Tuesday, October 29, 2013


photo from motorola-mobility-en-in.custhelp.com


This is my first Android 3G Smart Phone.

Actually I was finding a cost-effective but capable models, as well as the brand history and value. There was a $89 XT530 (new:never used) in ebay, but  I chose this $99 new phone from Motorola. Also I added security express delivery service. Especially I liked "12 Months Warranty" for sure 1 year support. 

When I chose the model, I also thought to buy Motorola MB860, but God told me that this phone is the one for God's works.  I hope this phone can be used to deliver God's hand to the world. This time, Motorola seems to be the winner.

  2 Samuel 23:5   
"He has made with me an everlasting covenant,
Ordered in all things and secure.
For this is all my salvation and all my desire.
Will he not make it increase."

My XT530 ->

You may purchase this product from Here.

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