Wednesday, November 6, 2013


                   COLES PRODUCTS - 1

I reminded the days of past 8 months to find out the most influential products in my life in Australia, and COLES HANGER PLASTIC BLACK was a quite low cost but importantly used product. I have used this hanger for 24 hours, every day to hang cloths and to dry the washed cloths. (photo from

I bring a quite amount of my own hangers to my hotel room not only for sanitation purposes when I travel, but because usually not enough amount of hangers are provided in the room for hanging and drying.

Before I use COLES HANGER PLASTIC BLACK, I used cheap white iron wire hangers which the laundry shop freely gives to the customer. With this COLES plastic hanger, I could save a lot of space to store cloths and keep the cloths tidy and clean.

COLES HANGER PLASTIC BLACK has high endurance and rust-free cleanness. In its design, it is quite beautiful and makes to feel simple practicality, compared with other traditional ones. I purchased 2 sets of this product by COLES SHOP ONLINE and when I visited COLES Belbay, and it has been one of most helpful items in arranging my daily life.

This product can be purchased from COLES website from here.

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