Wednesday, November 20, 2013


One of the valuable resources in Australia is Fossil Gas. Especially it is found in the northern side of sea coast. This Gorgon project is one of the biggest scale of gas project in Australia. (Photo from

Extracting valuable resource is important business to maintain and advance the civilization. In this point of view, the fossil fuel stores concentrated solar energy, and the human uses it to get the compressed energy which can be extracted in a short period with magnified power.

LPG plant is the facility to refine and store the gas. Ground-based plant can be built at the lower budget, than the offshore LPG plant in many points. Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (HHI) applied offshore plant technology to Ground-based plant, and won Gorgon LPG PLANT PROJECT which is the biggest single project in HHI's history. Gorgon project site is located at Barrow Island, the northwest shore of Australia.
(Image capture from

This project is operated by Chevron and ExxonMobil, and it consists of 48 Plant modules weighing 190,000 tons, and is expected to be delivered until 2013 by HHI. LPG Plant Module technolgy was originally applied for HHI's Offshore Plant, but it is firstly applied to Gound-based plant, for this technology greatly reduce field labor works, and lower the cost while acquiring better quality by standardized procedures in factory environment. (image from

For more detailed article, visit following link.

(Photo from

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