Friday, November 15, 2013


I have exercised VEGETARIAN diet near nearly for 9 months. Before 9 months ago, I rarely had beef or pork for nearly 1 year. Sometimes I had meat by mistake, I tried my best to keep vegetarian menu. The reason I chose vegetarian diet is because it reduces the time to cook and saves money, as well as it is good for health. Furthermore to keep my body in the best health condition with green diet, is an important duty to God, for my body is the tool and place where the Spirit of God gives inspiration to achieve God's works. 
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But the problem with such diet is the lack of protein in food. Because I quit having milk, eggs and cheese recently, not much various protein sources are available for me. Recently I found I am losing my hair. If protein supply is not sufficient, many types of symptom start to appear. It takes more time for a wound or a cut to be healed. And finger nail gets thinner. Hair becomes thinner, even lost. Also protein does important role to make the elements of blood , which are needed to protect body and destroy viruses and repair the damaged or aged body cells.

So I had canned beans, and it surely works well, giving quite amount of energy. Later I tried this MUSASHI SOY PROTEIN. MUSASHI is the given name of renowned Japanese Ronin - Miyamoto Musashi who was swordsman, battle strategist and artist. He is well known for his excellent swordsmanship in duels of the Mideaval time of Japan. [1] MUSASHI has been frequent subject material for Japanese martial art fictions. He is said to have trained by himself until he got the high level of swordmanship in his age. And this historical brand name MUSASHI encourages the people who train their body, dreaming to achieve the high level of physical capability.
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This product helps to get protein in a cutting-edge way. This product has concentrated SOY protein, and reduced the amount of material mass enough to refill the necessary protein amount for body. Also this product helps to repair the damaged muscles after harsh physical training and weighting, as well as it causes muscle to grow.

The taste is a little like soft chocolate oatmeal, but quite pleasant after finishing 1 cup. Inside of the product is a spoon which is useful to measure the amount exactly. I make drink with this MUSASHI SOY PROTEIN POWDER before I start daily exercise. And surely it gives better power and efficiency of muscle in time of exercise. I believe this product is opening the way to future food, which helps the health more efficiently while saving the space, time, fuel and wasted byproduct of crops.

Also the customer can buy highly quality-managed and ingredient-controlled food product, which gives less chance to contact harmful chemicals and FATS. Also the customer can exactly control the amount of protein for each day or each meal.

New food technology would help human to reach superior ability which gives better concentration to work, better memory, and enhanced physical capability. I want to experience more advanced food products from MUSASHI and other manufacturers which seek to find the alternative advanced source of nutrition.

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This product can be purchased from Woolworths Online.


{Photo by Kim James}

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