Thursday, November 14, 2013


NAVER is the internet portal service company which covers very broad commercial fields, including advertisement, shopping, internet phone, classified postings, email, blog, and game, news service. (photo from

Here I want to describe what kind of influence NAVER's service gave to my life since I started to use internet for job, study, entertainment and communication.

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The most frequent service I use with NAVER is email service. This service has evolved since the year 2000, and now I want to believe the functions of this email system is close to the world's best. I tried the email system of many famous international portal, but NAVER provides most time-saving tools to manage emails and classify them. Also NAVER provides very easy function to download whole emails from mail server to PC. (capture from

NAVER integrated email system with CONTACT management system and user can send notification SMS immediate after he sends email. 

The most important protection of NAVER's service to remember is high level of security protection. IP hijacking is the hacking method that steals the IP of victims who logged in the portals, and uses this logged-in ID to pick the privacy information or get the emails, even without need to acquire his password. Also when illegal login trial happens, it blocks IPs or it requests verification by phone SMS. If IP address is changed during user's activity in the NAVER' service, the system asks the password again to kick out the IP hijackers.

The most benefitted service of NAVER was classified posting service, called CAFE. This cafe is membership based posting service. I mainly used this classified posting service for short-term project contract searching, and to sell my new or used items. Surely I made quite money from these classified service, by contracting projects, selling items and comparing prices. 
(capture from

The most useful tools of NAVER were the language dictionary service. It is most monumental works of NAVER, because such methods greatly changed the method to learn language fastest ever in the history. In English dictionary, it updates most newly made terms every day. So if I cannot find a new term in English news service from traditional dictionary, I should search in NAVER English dictionary. Another impressive works of NAVER dictionary is Japanese dictionary which I got much help to enhance the understanding for Japanese language. Chinese dictionary, German dictionary and Russian dictionary is also quite useful to study those languages. Recently NAVER added French dictionary, and it gives quite challenge to restart study of French language. (capture from

Also NAVER started to support Mongolian dictionary, Vietnamese dictionary, Turkish dictionary and Spanish dictionary. I expect to see the more languages such as Arabic, Norwegian, Swedish and Finnish would be added. To have an electronic dictionary was a great dream when I was in middle school. Such dream was beautifully achieved by NAVER's language service.

The most inspirational service of NAVER is ASK service called JISIK-IN. In this special posting place, user can post any questions and the people who have either casual knowledge or professional knowledge to the question, can answer to the question. And this system greatly stimulates the sharing of useful information and makes collective intelligence made by a great number of people. Sometimes, I could get quite valuable information for the topics I want to know. Also I answered 50s of questions in this posting, in the field of German language, English language, Electronics, computer software and religions. (capture from

The NAVER's service in which I spent most money, is online Movie streaming service. I purchased 30s of movies for download or watching online in the portal's website. But if the movie file is moved to other media, it cannot be played. It is great problem, but I enjoyed this service much. It was one of the most advanced entertainment business which enables people to purchase movies easily and in a lower price, as well as protects intellectual properties of movies. (capture from

Another entertainment service by NAVER is an online game service called HANGAME. I sometimes enjoyed TETRIS with other online gamers and also I purchased special coupon to extend the daily time limit of free gaming of TETRIS. It was quite interesting experiences, even though I came to rarely do this game service recently for I am very busy recently.
(capture from

Finally BLOG, about 5 years ago, I did much posting for news articles in my BLOG every day. But I quit it. Recently when I did searching in NAVER, many useful and interesting information was found in other people's blog in NAVER. 

And NAVER's membership information is very easy to understand and manage each items, saving time to find how to access needed information.

The most unfortunate thing is that NAVER is available only in Korean. Recently it started service in Japanese. If I have more time, I would like to remind my memory with NAVER.

God gave today a special word for NAVER. God said, NAVER provides precious service, something like sapphire stone shown in the firmament, having the appearance of the likeness of the throne of God. 

I expected to see further advanced technology and service to speed up the development of human mind, and to save costs by sharing information, and to enhance the ideology and system of the world, from NAVER's service.

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